

William Nelson

Table of contents

对于那些喜欢园艺或希望拥有一个美丽花园的人来说,有必要从地面上分析花园的位置,并检查有多少光线可以照射到这个地方。 为了拥有一个色彩缤纷的花园,不能缺少的是为它提供品种多样、质量上乘的花卉。

在选择花卉时,您需要考虑您想要的花园风格。 花卉有两种类型:一年生植物(花期为一年)和多年生植物(花期为冬季和春季)。 此外,在布置花园时还需要决定其他标准,例如:您想要搭配的颜色、成本和维护。

在夏季,有一些特定的花卉可以让您的室外空间保持清新、多彩和迷人。 耐寒花卉应在初秋和冬末种植,这样它们才有足够的时间正常开花。 多年生花卉是花园种植的理想选择,这是因为它们的叶子长寿而美丽。和主花。

对于那些希望花圃保持生机勃勃、色彩缤纷和芳香的人来说,清洁是必不可少的。 另一个养花的好建议是观察理想的日照时间,以及花朵是否应因土壤原因而移除。 对于那些希望扩大花圃的人来说,最好与现有花卉相协调,以便始终保持美丽的外观。


为了了解更多信息,我们为您挑选了50种花卉,您可以在家中种植并拥有自己的花园。 请尽情享受吧:

图片1 - 蓝色蜜蜂花或飞燕草花

图片2 - 来自花园的完美爱情之花

图片3 - 丁香阿塞西皮花

图片4 - 紫菀花

图片5 - 北芪花

图片6 - 紫苑花

图片7 - Boca de Leão花

图片8 - 金盏花

图片9 - 糖果花

图片10 - 海上蓟花

图片11 - 仙客来花

图片12 - 银莲花

图片13 - Clethra Alnifolia花

图片14 - 耧斗菜花

图片 15 - 山葵花

图片16 - 观赏卷心菜花

图片17 - 克拉维纳花

图片18 - 大丽花

图片19 - Deladeira花

图片20 - 东方花卉埃里卡

图片21 - 恰加斯之花

图片 22 - 圆锥花

图片 23 - 蜂蜜花

图片 24 - 浮雕花

图片 25 - 盖拉尔迪亚花

图片26 - Lindheimeri花

图片27 - 天竺葵花

图片 28 - 耧斗菜花

图片29 - Hellebore花

图片30 - Ipoméia花

图片31 - 蓝色茉莉花

图片32 - 冬季茉莉花

See_also: 双人卧室的壁龛:69个惊人的模型和想法

图片33 - 薰衣草花

图片 34 - 萱草花

图片35 - Malcomia Maritima花

图片 36 - 菊花

图片37 - Myosotis花

图片38 - 苦楝花

图片39 - Nêveda花

图片40 - 冰岛罂粟花

图片41 - 五角星花

图片 42 - 牡丹花

图片43 - 报春花

图片 44 - 菠萝鼠尾草花

图片45 - 耶路撒冷鼠尾草花

图片 46 - 丹参花

图片47 - 山苍子花

图片48 - 景天科景天属花卉

图片 49 - 紫薇花

图片 50 - 长春花

See_also: 简单的15岁生日派对:如何组织,技巧和50张照片

William Nelson

Jeremy Cruz is a seasoned interior designer and the creative mind behind the widely popular blog, A blog about decoration and tips. With his keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail, Jeremy has become a go-to authority in the world of interior design. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed a passion for transforming spaces and creating beautiful environments from a young age. He pursued his passion by completing a degree in Interior Design from a prestigious university. Jeremy's blog, A blog about decoration and tips, serves as a platform for him to showcase his expertise and share his knowledge with a vast audience. His articles are a combination of insightful tips, step-by-step guides, and inspiring photographs, aimed at helping readers create their dream spaces. From small design tweaks to complete room makeovers, Jeremy provides easy-to-follow advice that caters to various budgets and aesthetics.Jeremy's unique approach to design lies in his ability to blend different styles seamlessly, creating harmonious and personalized spaces. His love for travel and exploration has led him to draw inspiration from various cultures, incorporating elements of global design into his projects. Utilizing his extensive knowledge of color palettes, materials, and textures, Jeremy has transformed countless properties into stunning living spaces.Not only does Jeremy puthis heart and soul into his design projects, but he also values sustainability and eco-friendly practices. He advocates for responsible consumption and promotes the use of environmentally friendly materials and techniques in his blog posts. His commitment to the planet and its well-being serves as a guiding principle in his design philosophy.In addition to running his blog, Jeremy has worked on numerous residential and commercial design projects, earning accolades for his creativity and professionalism. He has also been featured in leading interior design magazines and has collaborated with prominent brands in the industry.With his charming personality and dedication to making the world a more beautiful place, Jeremy Cruz continues to inspire and transform spaces, one design tip at a time. Follow his blog, A blog about decoration and tips, for a daily dose of inspiration and expert advice on all things interior design.