

William Nelson










更何况,清洁卫生对任何人都没有坏处。 或者,您认为吃剩的食物和油脂会对您有什么好处吗?






See_also: 不锈钢扶手:查看提示和60种型号的照片




步骤 1: 首先,也是最重要的一点是拔下电吹风的电源插头。 拔下电源插头是为了确保清洗者的安全,从而避免电击和烫伤。 此外,还必须等到设备冷却下来。 如果电吹风仍然很热,就不要考虑清洗。

第二步 取出电吹风内部的可拆卸部件,通常是篮子和抽屉。 大部分污垢都积聚在这些部件中。

See_also: 情人节装饰:80个创意与精彩图片

步骤 3 如果您的电吹风有一个封闭的篮子,并且是用不粘材料制成的,您只需用一块柔软的海绵蘸少许清洁剂即可去除油脂和食物残渣。 但如果您的电吹风是一个有线篮子,那么用一个小刷子清洁一个钢丝空间和另一个钢丝空间之间的缝隙就很有意思了。

步骤 4 彻底冲洗并擦干Airfryer的内部部件,将它们放在角落里,最后进行清洁。

步骤 5 用一块微湿的抹布清洁设备内部。 这里的清洁比较简单,除非您的设备已经积累了油渍。 在这种情况下,滴几滴清洁剂即可。 请记住,没有必要清洁风扇和电阻所在的部分。

步骤 6 如果您发现在清洁过程中没有去除的强烈气味,请用蘸有醋的布擦拭设备。

步骤 7 一旦Airfryer内部全部清洁完毕,装回篮子和托盘,关闭所有设备并开始清洁外部。


步骤 1: 当油炸锅仍处于关闭状态时,开始清洁设备外部。 只能使用蘸有清洁剂的软布。

步骤 2: 用抹布在空气炸锅上轻轻擦拭,做圆周运动,直到油脂、污渍和其他污垢松动。

步骤 3: 如果您发现任何顽固污渍,请使用柔软的海绵清除,但只需轻轻擦拭污渍即可。

步骤 4: 避免摩擦设备上有图纸和信息的部件,如计时器和温度指示器。 这样就不会有擦除这些数据的风险。

步骤 5 清洗后,用柔软的干布擦去多余的洗涤剂。



  • 请勿使用易燃或磨损性产品,如酒精、石蜡、漂白剂和溶剂。 由于电器是热源,使用这些产品可能会导致事故。
  • 避免使用钢刷或其他研磨材料清洁电吹风,尤其是不粘篮筐。 始终使用海绵和微纤维布等柔软材料。
  • 每次使用完空气炸锅后都要进行清洁,尤其是在烹制非常油腻的食物或气味或味道较重的食物时。 这样可以避免油脂积聚,使烹制过程更加简单快捷。
  • 如果您发现油脂已浸入篮筐或托盘,请执行以下操作:将物品浸泡在装有热水和洗涤剂的盆中约十分钟。 污垢会自然脱落。
  • 电炸锅的篮子可以用洗碗机清洗,但首先要去除多余的油脂。
  • 注意不要弄湿油炸锅的电线,也不要让水落入设备内部。

准备好清洁您的Airfryer了吗? 那就按照这里教您的步骤一步一步来,确保您的油炸锅始终一尘不染!

William Nelson

Jeremy Cruz is a seasoned interior designer and the creative mind behind the widely popular blog, A blog about decoration and tips. With his keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail, Jeremy has become a go-to authority in the world of interior design. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed a passion for transforming spaces and creating beautiful environments from a young age. He pursued his passion by completing a degree in Interior Design from a prestigious university. Jeremy's blog, A blog about decoration and tips, serves as a platform for him to showcase his expertise and share his knowledge with a vast audience. His articles are a combination of insightful tips, step-by-step guides, and inspiring photographs, aimed at helping readers create their dream spaces. From small design tweaks to complete room makeovers, Jeremy provides easy-to-follow advice that caters to various budgets and aesthetics.Jeremy's unique approach to design lies in his ability to blend different styles seamlessly, creating harmonious and personalized spaces. His love for travel and exploration has led him to draw inspiration from various cultures, incorporating elements of global design into his projects. Utilizing his extensive knowledge of color palettes, materials, and textures, Jeremy has transformed countless properties into stunning living spaces.Not only does Jeremy puthis heart and soul into his design projects, but he also values sustainability and eco-friendly practices. He advocates for responsible consumption and promotes the use of environmentally friendly materials and techniques in his blog posts. His commitment to the planet and its well-being serves as a guiding principle in his design philosophy.In addition to running his blog, Jeremy has worked on numerous residential and commercial design projects, earning accolades for his creativity and professionalism. He has also been featured in leading interior design magazines and has collaborated with prominent brands in the industry.With his charming personality and dedication to making the world a more beautiful place, Jeremy Cruz continues to inspire and transform spaces, one design tip at a time. Follow his blog, A blog about decoration and tips, for a daily dose of inspiration and expert advice on all things interior design.