

William Nelson


但是不要惊慌,有一些技巧可以让每个人在整理房间时更加轻松,并保证更持久的整理效果。 通过一些组织和任务分工,您会发现可以让您的家在没有太多压力的情况下保持适宜居住。

See_also: 木板橱柜:最棒的创意以及如何制作自己的木板橱柜



  1. 制定一个切合实际的清洁时间表,即没有必要制定一个您不可能完成的待办事项清单。 您的待办事项清单必须与您的日常工作相匹配。
  2. 如果您与朋友或家人合住,应明确每个人在清洁和整理家务方面的责任。 这样就不会让任何人负担过重。
  3. 例如:整理床铺和清扫厨房是每天的任务,更换床单可以是每周或每两周的任务,擦窗户或冰箱可以是每月的任务。
  4. 习惯做一个不爱添乱的人。 当您在客厅或卧室用餐时,请立即将盘子和杯子拿到水池边。 回家后,请将包包、外套和鞋子放在各自的位置,不要随地乱放私人物品。
  5. 减少纸张用量。 当您收到邮件时,立即扔掉不必要的东西,如信封和促销信。 只保留必要的东西,如付款收据和账单。
  6. 尽量丢弃您不再使用的物品。 黄金法则是:6个月不使用,您就应该捐赠。 这适用于衣服、杂志、报纸、书籍、玩具甚至装饰品。 如果您甚至不知道该物品的存在,这意味着它在您的生活中已无用处。

1. 如何整理卧室

  1. 卧室是家中最容易产生杂物的地方,因为它是一个出入受限的房间(几乎没有访客会在房间里走动),所以人们往往会在整理方面稍有放松。
  2. 如果您每天都能这样做,哪怕只是很短的时间,您的健康也会感谢您。
  3. 起床后或出门前整理床铺,铺好床单和羽绒被,并确定更换床单的日期。
  4. 为了让所有物品各得其所,应为每件物品确定适当的位置:珠宝和服装首饰可以放在一个盒子里,照片和文件可以放在另一个盒子里,化妆品可以放在特定的抽屉或袋子里,鞋子可以放在鞋架上。
  5. 将家具移到一边,用吸尘器或扫帚清扫,最后用棉布蘸适当的清洁剂擦拭。
  6. 擦拭家具,包括床头板、床头柜、架子、橱柜和椅子。 您可以使用湿布和家具上光剂。
  7. 最后使用房间除臭剂--有一些产品可以在房间和织物上散发香味,在床单、枕头和窗帘上喷洒一些即可。

2. 如何整理厨房

See_also: 婴儿洗礼清单:查看包含必要提示的现成清单


  1. 每周安排一天进行表面消毒和地面清洁。
  2. 擦拭橱柜外侧、冰箱顶部和任何摆放的电器。
  3. 如果您不喜欢在厨房用具上使用化学品,可使用碳酸氢盐水和白醋溶液。
  4. 在您完成一周或一个月的购物后,最适合清理橱柜和冰箱内部,因为您存放的物品会减少,也更容易移动所有物品。
  5. 扔掉剩饭剩菜和过期产品。 应定期这样做。 在整理包装时,将过期较早的物品放在最前面。
  6. 清洁微波炉、烤箱和灶具。 灶具可每天清洁以避免油脂积聚。 烤箱可根据使用频率每周或每月清洁一次。

3. 如何整理房间

客厅是住宅中最公共的房间,被视为住宅的名片。 整理一下:

  1. 制定清洗窗帘的时间表,因为窗帘会聚集大量灰尘、螨虫和细菌。每月清洗2至3次,用吸尘器吸尘或用湿布擦拭百叶窗。
  2. 将家具移到一边,用吸尘器或扫帚清扫,最后用湿布蘸适当的产品擦拭地板。
  3. 除去家具和装饰品上的灰尘,将每件物品摆放在适当的位置。 投资购买收纳筐,用于放置文件、电子产品、遥控器等。
  4. 检查墙壁是否有污渍和污垢。
  5. 定期清洗坐垫。
  6. 最后以室内香氛和鲜花结束!



  1. 整理衣橱,扔掉不用的物品、用剩的化妆品、过期产品和不必要的包装。
  2. 瓷砖可以每周或每两周彻底清洗一次。
  3. 牙刷应放在有盖的容器中或带塑料保护套的容器中。
  4. 在清洁马桶和淋浴间时,应注意使用专用产品进行大面积清洁,或使用醋和小苏打自制溶液。
  5. 擦洗灌浆以去除霉斑,然后用柔软的无绒布擦拭镜子。
  6. 最后,使用室内香氛。

看到了吧,打扫房间并不是什么大不了的事情? 如果您有更多保持房间整洁的小窍门,请与我们分享!

William Nelson

Jeremy Cruz is a seasoned interior designer and the creative mind behind the widely popular blog, A blog about decoration and tips. With his keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail, Jeremy has become a go-to authority in the world of interior design. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed a passion for transforming spaces and creating beautiful environments from a young age. He pursued his passion by completing a degree in Interior Design from a prestigious university. Jeremy's blog, A blog about decoration and tips, serves as a platform for him to showcase his expertise and share his knowledge with a vast audience. His articles are a combination of insightful tips, step-by-step guides, and inspiring photographs, aimed at helping readers create their dream spaces. From small design tweaks to complete room makeovers, Jeremy provides easy-to-follow advice that caters to various budgets and aesthetics.Jeremy's unique approach to design lies in his ability to blend different styles seamlessly, creating harmonious and personalized spaces. His love for travel and exploration has led him to draw inspiration from various cultures, incorporating elements of global design into his projects. Utilizing his extensive knowledge of color palettes, materials, and textures, Jeremy has transformed countless properties into stunning living spaces.Not only does Jeremy puthis heart and soul into his design projects, but he also values sustainability and eco-friendly practices. He advocates for responsible consumption and promotes the use of environmentally friendly materials and techniques in his blog posts. His commitment to the planet and its well-being serves as a guiding principle in his design philosophy.In addition to running his blog, Jeremy has worked on numerous residential and commercial design projects, earning accolades for his creativity and professionalism. He has also been featured in leading interior design magazines and has collaborated with prominent brands in the industry.With his charming personality and dedication to making the world a more beautiful place, Jeremy Cruz continues to inspire and transform spaces, one design tip at a time. Follow his blog, A blog about decoration and tips, for a daily dose of inspiration and expert advice on all things interior design.