

William Nelson

这是一个典型的巴西节日,从北到南都有庆祝活动。 人们身着盛装,插着旗帜,燃起篝火,用花生和玉米制作许多菜肴:是的,我们说的是六月的节日!


如果您想在6月的派对上大获成功,并且对派对上最成功的菜肴不再有任何疑问,请查看我们的6月派对菜单建议。 我们按咸味、甜味和典型饮料进行了划分。 要了解更多信息,请继续阅读列表!



See_also: DIY婚礼装饰:60个令人惊叹的DIY创意
  • 咸花生 在家制作的实用而快捷的小吃:您需要在平底锅中烘烤花生,只需加入水和盐;
  • 热孔 在本食谱中,选择使用法式面包和只用番茄酱、洋葱、大蒜和绿色香料调味的碎牛肉;
  • 热狗 我们的建议是在番茄酱中烹制香肠。 最后,淋上草编土豆,配上番茄酱和芥末酱即可;
  • 煮玉米 烹饪玉米:烹饪玉米看似简单,但必须遵循一些诀窍,例如对玉米棒进行消毒以及从锅中取出玉米的正确时间。 最后,配上温黄油即可食用!
  • 鸡肉串 :为 适合 鸡肉串是六月聚会菜单上最美味的菜肴。 为了让鸡肉串更有营养,可以加入不同的辣椒和红洋葱:非常美味!
  • 肉串 为节食者提供的另一个主意 低碳水化合物 为了使肉更加美味,可加入洋葱、西红柿和青椒块。 如果您喜欢,可在肉中加入以下调味料 色拉酱 ;
  • 干酪肉饼 如果您正在寻找一种不同于传统的糕点配方,请查看Youtube视频中如何制作美味糕点的步骤。
  • 爆米花 爆米花:任何节日都少不了爆米花,六月更是如此!尽量用平底锅而不是微波炉制作爆米花,因为这样不仅更经济,而且更健康!



甜花生:花生又上榜了!这次是甜花生,制作简单快捷。 这种花生超级香脆,非常适合装在纸袋里食用;

  • 米布丁 这个关于六月聚会菜单的建议很有争议:有人喜欢,有人讨厌!但是米饭布丁很典型,简单又经济!您需要椰奶和肉桂。 温热后食用!
  • 奶油玉米饼 要了解更多信息,请观看步骤视频。
  • 蔗糖 为了让canjica与众不同,可以加入果酱、牛奶和玉米淀粉。 这样就可以在聚会上跪着吃甜食了;
  • 烤椰子 您吃过酥脆的椰子吗? 您需要磨碎的椰子、炼乳、鸡蛋和热水。 将所有材料混合在一起,烘烤30分钟。 这种椰子将成为六月聚会菜单上的热门菜肴;
  • 苹果之恋 无论是孩子还是浪漫主义者,爱心苹果都是六月派对餐桌上的点缀。 制作糖浆时,购买红色食用色素、糖、白醋,最后加水;
  • 蝎子 这道典型节日的经典菜肴绝对不能错过!它是六月节日菜单上的传统菜肴,配料少,通常很成功,因为它非常美味。


当然,6月派对菜单上的饮品建议也不能缺少。 有酒和无酒的选择都能让所有宾客满意!

See_also: 绿色和灰色:54个将这两种颜色结合在您的装饰中的想法
  • 葡萄酒加炼乳奶昔 如果想喝更甜的酒精饮料,可以选择葡萄酒、炼乳和草莓的混合物。 利用这个机会,用红色水果来装饰酒杯。 一定会成功的!
  • 百香果冰沙 这款饮品适合喜欢酸味的人。 将百香果与卡恰恰、糖和罗勒混合。 用搅拌机将所有东西搅拌均匀,为避免留下种子,最后用筛子过滤;
  • 乔孔哈克 如果聚会是在寒冷的天气举行,choconhaque是为 "caipiras "加温的最佳选择。 制作传统的巧克力,最后加入白兰地;
  • 热巧克力 您认为我们不会为孩子们提供饮料建议吗? 制作这款奶油巧克力食谱。 要了解更多信息,请观看视频。
  • Quentão Quentão是巴西各地六月节上的一种非常传统的饮料:它采用相同分量的水和cachaça,与一些巴西水果和香料(如丁香)混合,形成一种独特的风味;
  • 无酒精昆塔 将水、丁香、八角、生姜、柠檬、苹果、菠萝混合,最后加糖即可。 这是一种让每个人都能享受乐趣的方法!
  • 葡萄酒 热酒:最后,我们当然不能不提到闷酒。 用清水、丁香、肉桂、糖和苹果煮沸。 闷酒的风味接近昆唐酒,只是因为没有辛辣味而更柔和。 如果您喜欢更奢侈的风味,可以加入生姜片!


William Nelson

Jeremy Cruz is a seasoned interior designer and the creative mind behind the widely popular blog, A blog about decoration and tips. With his keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail, Jeremy has become a go-to authority in the world of interior design. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed a passion for transforming spaces and creating beautiful environments from a young age. He pursued his passion by completing a degree in Interior Design from a prestigious university. Jeremy's blog, A blog about decoration and tips, serves as a platform for him to showcase his expertise and share his knowledge with a vast audience. His articles are a combination of insightful tips, step-by-step guides, and inspiring photographs, aimed at helping readers create their dream spaces. From small design tweaks to complete room makeovers, Jeremy provides easy-to-follow advice that caters to various budgets and aesthetics.Jeremy's unique approach to design lies in his ability to blend different styles seamlessly, creating harmonious and personalized spaces. His love for travel and exploration has led him to draw inspiration from various cultures, incorporating elements of global design into his projects. Utilizing his extensive knowledge of color palettes, materials, and textures, Jeremy has transformed countless properties into stunning living spaces.Not only does Jeremy puthis heart and soul into his design projects, but he also values sustainability and eco-friendly practices. He advocates for responsible consumption and promotes the use of environmentally friendly materials and techniques in his blog posts. His commitment to the planet and its well-being serves as a guiding principle in his design philosophy.In addition to running his blog, Jeremy has worked on numerous residential and commercial design projects, earning accolades for his creativity and professionalism. He has also been featured in leading interior design magazines and has collaborated with prominent brands in the industry.With his charming personality and dedication to making the world a more beautiful place, Jeremy Cruz continues to inspire and transform spaces, one design tip at a time. Follow his blog, A blog about decoration and tips, for a daily dose of inspiration and expert advice on all things interior design.